Happy New Year 2005!
2004 has been like every other year: with a lot of ups and downs.
What made it different from the other years is that there have been few ups (which were not very high) and way too much downs (which were really deep). Some of what I built for the last few years has fallen apart and I need to start anew.
So, with this new year, I hope it'll be better and I'll do what is needed to ensure that.
I've made some resolutions for 2005. With these in mind, I expect 2005 to be a very interesting and motivating year if not a happy one.
Anyway, happy new year to everyone!
Finally, my thought goes to the victims of the tsunami and their families. I've made a donation as everyone else and it's reconforting to see such worldwide help. In this time of war, fear and distrust, this is a hopeful sign of friendship and humanity between people, no matter their colors, religions or cultures. It's a good feeling to end a year and start a new one.