Gospel Concert
Yesterday I was at Joe Cocker's concert and the day before at a concert from the Gospel Institut to celebrate the end of their courses... and the late arrival of summer (even though we had a few drops during the concert).
There was no security to take my camera at that concert and I could grab a few pictures before it was too dark. My 18-200mm lens needs lots of light and the D60 does not give great pictures when pushing in the ISO. I wish I had a 50mm f/1.4 to take pictures late in the concert when the raw emotion was more palpable on the singers' faces.
I had a great time at that concert listening to all the singers and musicians and taking pictures but I am disappointed by their low quality. I need to practice more on low light settings and invest in the Nikon 50mm f/1.4 to get better results. The photograph would still be to blame for the unoriginal compositions :)