I Am Awestructed
Did you notice something different on my Web site or my Atom feed?
You shouldn't as I have successfully migrated from Jekyll to Awestruct.
A few months ago, I switched my Weblog from Wordpress to Jekyll because I wanted to have a simpler, slimmer publishing system that could generate a static Web site and be simple to customize. At first, Jekyll fit the bill nicely but as I was starting to tweak it, I was slowed down by its lack of documentation and customization. I want to be able to extend my publishing system, not fork it.
Searching for an alternative, I looked at Awestruct, written by my Red Hat colleague, Bob McWhirter, and liked it. It is an evolution from Jekyll with a nice extensible architecture and good documentation.
As an example of Awestruct extensibility, I wrote an extension to provide an Archive page for my Weblog. Awestruct defines an extension to create a weblog from a single directory with files matching the format of YYYY-MM-DD-post-title
(like Jekyll does):
Awestruct::Extensions::Pipeline.new do
extension Awestruct::Extensions::Posts.new '/weblog', :posts
I wanted to add a page which lists all my posts sorted by ear and month. I added an extension to Awestruct pipeline for this:
Awestruct::Extensions::Pipeline.new do
extension Awestruct::Extensions::Posts.new '/weblog', :posts
extension Awestruct::Extensions::PostsArchiver.new '/weblog/archive', :posts, :archive
This extension takes the :posts
that were added to the site by the Posts
extension, sort them in a hierarchy of year / month / posts and put them in the variable named :archive
that can be used inside the template file /weblog/archive
(source code).
I could then have a very simple Haml template to display the archive:
layout: page
title : Archive
- site.archive.each do |year, monthly_archive|
%h2= year
- monthly_archive.each do |month, posts|
%h3= month
- posts.each do |post|
= "#{post.date.strftime('%d %B %Y')} »"
- if post.link
%a.link{ :href=>post.url }= "#{site.linked_list.link} #{ post.title}"
- else
%a{ :href=>post.url }= post.title
Et voila the result!
In similar fashion, I have been able to add a Daring Fireball-style linked list to my Web site and Atom feed by simply adding a link
metadata to the file front-matter and a few lines of HAM to process it.