20-year anniversary of jmesnil.net
I missed the date but I posted the first article on this blog on June, 11th 2024.
Twenty years later, and 350 posts later, my server is still there serving all the content I wrote from the start.
I went through different hosts and visual presentation until I settled down with using a AWS S3 Buck to host this static server built with Awestruct.
Out of nostalgia, I played with the Wayback Machine to remember of my web site looked over the years.
The initial version was hosted on Movable Type using their standard template. I made some terrible visual choice that I quickly removed for a cluttered look before going full page on the content that I stripped down to the current design.
On the technical side, I don't remember all the solutions but I used Movable Type, BlogPost, WordPress. Eventually, I switched to a static generation of the content from Markdown pages in a Git repository that are pushed to a AWS S3 Bucket.
The latest technical changes I did were to use a container image to manage all the Ruby dependencies from Awestruct and adding a TLS Certificate to the server.
I have had bursts of activity on my web site and long periods of neglects but it is still great to have a place I can call my own on the Web...