Jeff Mesnil
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Eclipse MicroProfile Config in OpenShift

June 16, 2017

This is another post that covers some work I have been doing around the Eclipse MicroProfile Config as a part of my job working on WildFly and Swarm (first post is here).

This post is about some updates of the project status and work being done to leverage the Config API in OpenShift (or other Docker/Kubernetes-based environment).

Project update

Since last post, WildFly and Swarm projects agreed to host the initial work I did in their GitHub projects and the Maven coordinates have been changed to reflect this. For the time being, everything is hosted at wildfly-extras/wildfly-microprofile-config.

The Eclipse MicroProfile Config 1.0 API should be released soon. Once it is released, we can then release the 1.0 version of the WildFly implementation and subsystem. The Swarm fraction will be moved to the Swarm own Git repo and will be available with future Swarm releases.

Until the Eclipse MicroProfile Config 1.0 API is released, you still have to build everything from wildfly-extras/wildfly-microprofile-config and uses the Maven coordinates:


Directory-based Config Source

We have added a new type of ConfigSource, DirConfigSource, that takes a File as a parameter.

When this ConfigSource is created, it scans the file (if that is a directory) and creates a property for each file in the directory. The key of the property is the name of the file and its value is the content of the file.

For example, if you create a directory named /etc/config/numbers-app and add a file in it named num.size with its content being 5, it can be used to configure the following property:

@ConfigProperty(name = "num.size")
int numSize;

There are different ways to use the corresponding DirConfigSource depending on the type of applications.

WildFly Application

If you are deploying your application in WildFly, you can add this config source to the microprofile subsystem:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:wildfly:microprofile-config:1.0">
    <config-source name="numbers-config-source" dir="/etc/config/numbers-app" />

Swarm Application

If you are using Swarm, you can add it to the MicroProfileFraction from your main method:

swarm.fraction(new MicroProfileConfigFraction()
    .configSource("numbers-config-source", (cs) -> {

Plain Java Application

If you are using the WildFly implementation of the Config API outside of WildFly or Swarm, you can add it to a custom-made Config using the Eclipse MicroProfile ConfigBuilder API.

OpenShift/Kubernetes Config Maps

What is the use case for this new type of ConfigSource?

It maps to the concept of OpenShift/Kubernetes Config Maps so that an application that uses the Eclipse MicroProfile Config API can be deployed in a container and used its config maps as a source of its configuration.

I have added an OpenShift example that shows a simple Java application running in a variety of deployment and configuration use cases.

The application uses two properties to configure its behaviour. The application returns a list of random positive integers (the number of generated integers is controlled by the num.sizeproperty and their maximum value by the num.max property):

@ConfigProperty(name = "num.size", defaultValue = "3")
int numSize;

@ConfigProperty(name = "num.max", defaultValue = "" + Integer.MAX_VALUE)
int numMax;

The application can be run as a standalone Java application configured with System Properties:

$ java -Dnum.size=5 -Dnum.max=10 -jar numbers-app-swarm.jar

It can also be run in Docker configured with environment variables:

$ docker run -e "num.size=2" -e "num.max=10" -p 8080:8080 numbers/numbers-app

It can also be run in OpenShift configured with Config Maps:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: numbers-config
  namespace: numbers
  num.size: '5'
  num.max: '100'

This highlights the benefit of using the Eclipse MicroProfile Config API to configure a Java application: the application code remains simple and use the injected values from the Config API. The implementation then figures out all the sources where the values can come from (System properties, properties files, environment, and container config maps) and inject the appropriate ones.